HiFives Industry Best Practices of Employee Rewards and Recognition covering different aspects of rewards and recognition policy, program design, program implementation, R&R technology, etc.

How To Leverage Employee Recognition To Retain Top Talent In 2023

How To Leverage Employee Recognition To Retain Top Talent

The top talent in any organization is critical to its growth and success. The more they feel appreciated and connected to their organization and their co-workers, the less likely they are to leave. Hence, organizations should seriously look to leverage employee recognition to retain top talent as an effective HR strategy.

7 Hacks to Revive a Dying Employee Recognition Program

7 Hacks To Revive A Dying Employee Recognition Program

It is well known that effective and timely employee recognition motivates the workforce and helps boost business growth and productivity. Hence, it is important for an organization to recognize the warning signs and act quickly to revive a fading employee recognition program, to reverse its decline.

Workplace celebrations

A Total Guide To Event-based Employee Recognition

Event-based employee recognition can help organizations create greater impact from recognition programs by driving a higher level of interest and engagement among the workforce.

How To Create A Culture of Appreciation In 2023

How To Create A Culture of Appreciation

Building a culture of appreciation by implementing an effective employee recognition program can help an organization realize several benefits including an engaged workforce, sustainable business growth and significant competitive advantage.

Employee Recognition On Social Media - The Great Debate!

Employee Recognition On Social Media – The Great Debate!

Over the past years, the use of digital technologies and platforms has gained much significance as they can help make recognition immediate and more impactful. In this context, social media platforms have emerged as a great option for organizations to recognize their employees publicly.

How Employee Recognition Can Drive Culture Change in 2023

How Employee Recognition Can Drive Culture Change In 2023

Leveraging employee recognition to drive culture change can help create a happier workplace with an engaged workforce, aligned to the desired set of core values of the organization. It can make the process of such changes much more smooth, painless and sustainable.

Employee Recognition Can Drive Innovation By Creating the Right Culture

How Employee Recognition Can Drive Innovation

Leveraging employee recognition to drive innovation in the workplace can prove beneficial for organizations in more than one way. In addition to enhancing the overall engagement, and productivity of the workforce, it can help businesses grow faster and stay competitive.

Driving Workforce Productivity through Employee Recognition Software

Driving Workforce Productivity Through Employee Recognition Software

Employee motivation is one of the biggest driving forces behind improving workforce productivity and ensuring business success. Driving workforce productivity through employee recognition software should be a key focus area for all organizations.

Awards Event

Back to the Basics: The Importance of Employee Recognition

Organizations need to clearly understand the importance of employee recognition for their business success.
They need to develop effective programs that are aligned with their business objectives and the needs of their workforce.

150 Innovative Names for Employee Recognition Programs

150 Innovative Names for Employee Recognition Programs

Organizations need to invest time and effort to come up with innovative names for employee recognition programs as one of the first steps towards developing an effective employee recognition program.
A unique, innovative, and relevant program name is likely to generate more interest and engagement in the program from the employees.

Key Trends for Employee Recognition in 2023

Key Trends For Employee Recognition In 2023

Employee rewards and recognition is evolving continuously; staying updated about the latest trends can provide businesses with a great competitive advantage. Organizations should be able to identify on those trends that are likely to prove most beneficial for their business and focus on them to build a more productive workforce.

Customer Service Representatives

A Complete Guide to Recognizing Customer Service Representatives

Recognizing customer service representatives should be high on every organization’s agenda.
They form a critical part of the workforce that can make or break the customer experience, which in turn can play a key role in the growth and success of the business.

Should you Reward Underperformers for One-Off Achievements?

Should You Reward Underperformers for One-Off Achievements?

This is one dilemma that many Line Managers and HR Partners face - whether to reward underperformers for significant achievements, as part of the employee rewards and recognition program.

Why do Employee Rewards and Recognition Programs fail?

Why Do Employee Rewards And Recognition Programs Fail?

These are just a few of the top reasons why employee rewards and recognition programs fail.
Leaders and HR must avoid these pitfalls to keep the programs alive and kicking, to keep employees motivate and productive at the workplace.

What’s the Best Form of Employee Rewards?

What’s the Best Form of Employee Rewards?

Organizations have tried everything for employee rewards over the years - from trophies, company branded merchandize, durables, electronics, holiday packages, gift vouchers, and even cash.
What is the best form of employee rewards?

Rewards and Recognition – Winner takes all! Is it Fair?

Whether the winner takes all phenomenon is fair or not is the question to be asked.
It seems only logical that the highest performing employees would end up getting the maximum recognition and rewards.

Employee Recognition Impact Business

How Does Employee Recognition Impact Business?

Organizations can develop employee recognition programs that are aligned to their business objectives, organizational culture and workforce profile; and drive the desired results.

Cash Awards

Why ‘Cash is not the King’ when it comes to Employee Rewards

Traditionally, regarded as a ‘no-brainer’ form of reward, cash rewards are falling out of favor of employees, reducing their impact on employee motivation. It is time for organizations to move away from the tradition of cash rewards and consider other options.

8 Creative Ideas for Startups to Recognize Employees

8 Creative Ideas for Startups to Recognize Employees

These creative and impactful ideas for startups to recognize their employees should help them energize and drive them to even higher levels of performance.
This, despite the challenging, unstructured and often chaotic work environments.

Top 5 Things for Organizations to do to make Employees feel valued

Top 5 Things For Organizations To Make Employees Feel Valued

Organizations can need to take implement these measures to make employees feel valued. They can build a highly engaged, self-motivated, and completely dedicated workforce to drive business growth and profitability.


About HiFives Blogs

  • The HiFives Team has vast experience of partnering with HR professionals from hundreds of organizations across multiple industry verticals and geographies.

  • Based on these extensive interactions, the HiFives Team curates the best practices of Employee Rewards and Recognition and other topics in HR Management and Technology and creates blogs on those topics.

  • These blogs are then published on the HiFives website. HiFives publishes at least 1-2 blogs every week on various HR related topics.

  • The HiFives Team also writes guest blogs for other blog platforms and websites relevant to the community of HR professionals.


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