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An Essential Guide to Building a Great Organizational Culture

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An Essential Guide to Building a Great Organizational Culture

Organizations across the globe now consider organizational culture one of the most critical contributing factors responsible for consistent business growth. So, we came up with an essential guide to building a great organizational culture – we hope you find it useful.

What Do You Mean by Organizational Culture?

Significance of Corporate Culture

It is well-known that every organization is different and boasts a unique workplace culture.  

Organizational culture is a combination of underlying beliefs, values, assumptions, and methods of interaction that help create the desired social and psychological environment in an organization.

Simply put, it can be defined as the cumulative result of experiences, expectations, philosophies, behaviors, and the workings of individual members and groups in the workforce.

How to Build a Great Organizational Culture?

The first step toward building an organizational culture is to understand its linkage to all other aspects of the organization.

Also, it is essential that the organization’s culture changes and evolves constantly along with business changes.

However, a few critical characteristics of an excellent organizational culture remain constant.

The most important of these characteristics are as follows:

An essential guide to building a great organizational culture

1. Focus on Attention to Detail

Communication for Successful Employee Rewards and Recognition

Organizational culture is based on attention to detail to make employees aware of what is expected of them at work.

Hence, this enables employees better to understand the desired behavior, values, and philosophies. 

It shapes how they communicate and interact with their peers and superiors.

2. Give Importance to Achieving Results


A successful organizational culture needs to be result-oriented rather than being focused on structure and process.

This offers greater freedom and flexibility to employees to drive desired results and improve overall efficiency.

Such a culture is more successful in a changing business environment than one that is extremely rigid and formal, as it focuses less on the methods used and more on the outcomes.

3. Emphasize Employee Happiness and Satisfaction

Employer Branding

A work culture that prioritizes the happiness and satisfaction of employees tends to result in boosting business growth.

In such organizations, treating all employees with dignity and respect is integral to everyday working.

Organizations should value employees for their skills and knowledge and as individuals with unique qualities and aspirations.

4. Promote Collaboration and Teamwork

Rewards and Recognition for Sales Teams

Promoting a sense of teamwork among the members of the workforce is another critical characteristic of good work culture.

It should help to develop a deep emotional connection between the employees and the organization.

Every member of the workforce should feel like being an equally important member of an extended family. 

This will motivate them to improve their performance and make an even more significant contribution to business growth and success.

5. Assure Professional Stability


Every employee within an organization seeks some assurance about having a stable career. 

A work culture that fulfills this basic need of employees helps boost their engagement levels and improve their overall job satisfaction.

Hence. organizations need to base their workplace culture on growth-oriented corporate values. 

This paves the way for consistent career growth and guarantees career stability.

6. Walk the Talk

Top Management

Building a great culture requires leaders to establish shared beliefs and values and communicate them effectively to the workforce.

Hence, they must use the proper methods and strategies to reinforce and communicate the values.

Successful organizations have leaders who live their organization’s culture and set the right precedence among employees.

So, organizations should use innovative methods to communicate their cultural identity to all employees.


Organizational culture can deeply influence critical business metrics such as productivity, employee engagement, and commitment. That is why organizations need to work towards developing a great organizational culture that matches their business values and objectives.

This is an essential guide to building a great organizational culture.

Sagar Chaudhuri

Lead author: Sagar Chaudhuri, the Co-Founder and CEO of HiFives. He is an HR Tech Evangelist with over 25 years of corporate and entrepreneurship experience. In the past, Sagar has worked in leadership roles at companies such as Genpact, Infosys, and ICICI Bank. He has an engineering degree from IIT Kharagpur and an MBA from IIM Lucknow. Connect on LinkedIn

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HiFives is a global employee rewards, recognition and engagement SaaS platform that enables organizations to digitize, automate and transform their employee experience. It is used by 100+ large enterprises, small businesses and startups in manufacturing, retail, technology, financial services and media, across 25+ countries.